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Provider Directory
We have curated a list of providers licensed in Illinois who are culturally competent and excited to work with people who identify as South Asian! Please note that availability changes, and that not every provider offers the same services - we have psychologists, psychiatrists, counselors, social workers, and more in this list to hopefully meet the diverse needs of our community. Revisit this page as we will try to update 1-2 times per month.
Not all providers identify as South Asian, as not all folks want or need someone of their own cultural/ethnic background. We have asked each to note if they identify as South Asian or BIPOC, if that is important to you. We recommend that you view their profiles (click on provider name) and contact them directly to determine if they are a good fit for your needs.
**This is best viewed on a laptop or computer, be sure to scroll down and to the right for more clinicians and contact information